Well, I just looked at all of my pictures from the summer and couldn’t believe all we packed into these incredible three months. All I can really say is that we had fun. We traveled so much, hosted so many, played hard and kept the farm humming so that now we are in full harvest mode.
But I thought it would be fun just to share a few favorite stories from the summer in a few different blog posts. And while going thru all of our pictures I found a very loud theme. I love a road trip.

I have said this so many times this summer, but my very favorite place to be in all the world is in the front seat of Oceanus, our big blue van that gets us from here to there. We named her Oceanus after the first baby born on the Mayflower and because she is as big and blue as the ocean. When I am in the passenger seat, it means we are on an adventure and I could not be happier.

Oceanus, or Oshi as we call her for short, has no tinted windows and we are a true fish bowl everywhere we go. At one gas station a woman asked where we were heading. I said, “to Michigan for Family Bible Camp.” And she said with relief, “oh so you’re a church group.”
I should mention that for nearly a decade we barely went anywhere. It just wasn’t our season to travel. And I still had this love of a road trip, but we had littles, were building up our farm and didn’t have a ministry that demanded any travel! But now we have a new part of our family economy, heading out onto our mission field. And I love it.
I have made so many meals on my lap in the front seat, and passed many a paper plate to the back. I am strangely gleeful during these hairy times of kids waiting for their food. I just love the adventure of it all. Plus, it always makes me think of my mom. She made meals on her lap too, squeezing the easy cheese into heart-shapes on our ritz crackers and passing a plate back.

In June we traveled to both the Iowa and Illinois Homeschool Conventions and had an incredible time at both. Then we drove to Michigan to Simpson Park Camp, a 14-hour adventure worthy of another post. We end up meeting the greatest people on these trips and come home with a whole lot of new friends and so many family memories.

We love the message we get to share, encouraging families to work, worship and learn together. To bring productivity back under the roof of every home. To encourage families to seek God for the vision for where He is leading them. It is a real joy and a real honor.

And everyone gets a turn manning the booth. Our own family economy in action. Then we load Oshi back up and head home, hearts full and grateful.
And would you believe that we found a toy Oceanus?!! My kids love Lil’ Woodzies, the knock off of Calico Critters and play with them all winter. And lo and behold, Mimi gave this toy blue van for a birthday, so that when we’re back home we can remember and imagine and pretend all of our adventures all over again.