It’s an annual phenomenon that shocks me every time. Spring weather begins to show herself and bam, I’m ready for project season. It borders on miraculous to me, because I am so spent in November when we tuck the farm in for the winter.
But lo and behold, it is time. And I’m ready to get to work. Or maybe more accurately, I’m ready to take all our meals outside.

But oh how I love getting things done! This past week we have been expanding our playground area for the fair, clearing a few trees, making some fun new play areas and building a new fence out to the road. It meant we took down the old wire fence that the goats had busted out of countless times, which made it feel extra great.

So much of this cleanup was leftover from the tornado five years ago. Trees that lost their canopy, or giant oaks that fell and stayed put. Some of these projects we have been looking at for years, and with this new spring wind in our sails, we are hitting it!

Ivar is in charge of the garden this year, so he has been extra motivated to get things in the ground. He and Elsie were planting the peas and carrots this day. When I arrived with the camera there was tension in the air. “Ivar, have you bean bossing your sister around? You need to say, Elsie, peas forgive me. I know it’s corny, but peas do it.” And then we all got punny and I got these great shots.

Abel’s biggest springtime project is to have the cat hug him back. He works at this quite consistently, and has had little success so far. But she’s very pregnant and therefore not as spry. He’s got a chance.
It feels so good to work so hard. To fall into bed. To remember muscles that you forgot you had. I love bedtime so much, but then I love waking up and doing it all over again.